Traditional Japanese masks are mostly decorative and are...
<div id="travel-sc-page_1-0" data-sc-sticky-offset="90" data-sc-ad-label-height="24" isjourneydocument="freemarker.template.FalseTemplateBooleanModel@7cd1c1d7" data-sc-ad-track-spacing="100" data-sc-min-track-height="250" data-sc-max-track-height="600" data-sc-breakpoint="50em" data-sc-load-immediate="4" data-sc-content-positions="[1, 1250, 1550, 1950,...
Festivals with centuries of history are starting to disappear in Japan’s regions with aging,...
U.S. Indo-Pacific Command > News Article View" title="U.S. Soldiers at Shariki bond with Japanese neighbors at traditional festival > U.S. Indo-Pacific Command > News Article View" src="" class="attachment-medium_large size-medium_large wp-post-image" alt="U.S. Soldiers at Shariki bond with Japanese neighbors at traditional festival > U.S. Indo-Pacific Command > News Article View" title="U.S. Soldiers at Shariki bond with Japanese neighbors at traditional festival > U.S. Indo-Pacific Command > News Article View" decoding="async" loading="lazy" />